I have been blessed over the last year to have been pushed into a lot of risk. I can count three major events in my life that, being low on good options, moved this risk averse man to act on borrowed bravery. All of the situations I am referring to seemed less than ideal at the time and two of them felt like legitimate crises. 

Alongside these larger risks I was funneled towards, there were smaller risks that I started to choose. Each has played its role, further sharpening my understanding of why risk is so important to creativity and life. So I thought it would be helpful to offer you a little insight from my latest trip around the sun.

Here are 9 things I am learning about navigating a risk-filled life and how to leverage risk to your advantage:

1. Risk is a Part of Life: No matter how hard you try, risk is unavoidable. This is because most of this world is out of your control. Really the only thing you can control in life is yourself (and even that is a challenge for most of us). Life is more like a raging river in that way. At best we can learn to navigate it well. And still even the most skilled get knocked out of the boat sometimes. If you’re on the hunt for routes without risk, they do not exist. 

2. With Risk Comes Opportunity: As risks come your way, keep your head on a swivel. I have found that risk (especially that which I have been thrusted into) created tons of opportunity. Opportunity to be braver than I would normally, to stretch my creativity beyond what is comfortable, and to dream big and try new things. 

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3. Hold Plans Loosely: Part of the key to navigating this river of life is learning to go with the flow. Though it is good to have a general sense of your direction, do not panic when you inevitably end up somewhere unexpected. As they say, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” Rather than spending all your energy trying to plan out a path of no adversity, use your creativity and get good at adjusting on the fly.

4. Don’t Stop Paddling: When life gets rough, I have found the greatest temptation is to stop trying. This equals death on our metaphorical river. Keep paddling and see what comes of it. I am not saying that willpower alone is enough to get you through everything, but you have to at least be a participant if you want to come out having grown from the experience. 

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5. Look for Momentum: When life is not going as planned, look for areas that seem to have some momentum. There will likely be multiple if you develop the eyes to see. Then follow those streams and see where you end up. A year ago, I would have never dreamed I would be where I am now. I followed a bunch of streams in a general direction and the momentum led me into a whole new season of life. A few streams I followed were dead ends, but my eggs are never all in one stream, as they say. (That’s a joke). 

6. Feel Fully: In the midst of all this risk, there will undoubtedly be pain, sadness, frustration, and hopefully some joy. It is good to pause and feel all of those things. I have noticed that I have built elaborate systems in my life in order to not feel things. But feelings are there for a reason and some of the most unpleasant ones can be the most powerful for your life. 


7. Choose Wisely: Sometimes it can feel as though leaning into risk is opposed to living wisely. To live a risky life well, however, wisdom is essential. Stupid and unnecessary risks are just that. On the river of life you have to discern a calculated risk from a dangerous decision, have the patience to wait for the right moments, and take up the resolve to act swiftly when they arise. Learn from your mistakes, consider your situation, and take chances that make sense.

8. Invite Others on the Journey: I could not have made it out alive without those who have surrounded me and had my back this last year. So many people have supported me, encouraged me, and been willing to help me out. My wife Marissa and both of our families have been huge. I have so many amazing friends, mentors, and pastors all with amazing networks that they are generous with. Even people I’ve never even met have been a huge part of my success. All it took was an invitation.  

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9. Trust God: I am not sure where you are at with this, but I can honestly say I have been so taken care of by God. In moments where Marissa and I didn’t know what we were going to do he has come through big over and over again. This year has been so strengthening for our faith and has given us courage to continue striking out knowing that he’s got us, and with him in our boat there is nothing we cannot handle.