How to Self-Publish a Book

How to Self-Publish a Book

The most common question I answer is “How do I self-publish a book?” The answer is pretty simple and straightforward, but there are a lot of steps, and steps within the steps, and like everything else in life, simple does not necessarily mean easy. Different steps have different levels of complexity and take different skills. That’s where Asio comes in. I coach new authors to develop the skills they don’t already have. 

This is just a basic overview, but here’s the steps to self-publishing your book:

  1. Write your book. This includes writing, editing, and proofreading it until you are satisfied with the final draft.

  2. Create an eye-catching book cover.  You can hire a designer, buy one that is pre-made, or use online tools to create one.

  3. Format your book for both print and digital formats. Software like Microsoft Word or Adobe InDesign will help you.

  4. Choose a publishing platform like Amazon KDP, Barnes & Noble Press, or IngramSpark. Each platform has its own requirements, fees, strengths, and weaknesses, so research them carefully before making a decision.

  5. Set a price for your book, considering factors like the length, the genre, and your target audience.

  6. Publish your book. Once your book is formatted and your cover designed, upload your book to the publishing platform, following the platform's instructions carefully to ensure your book is published correctly.

  7. Promote your book. Use social media, email marketing, launch promotions and other tactics to get the word out.

  8. Track your sales through your publishing platform's dashboard to see how your book is performing and adjust your marketing strategy.

If you are struggling with any aspect of the process, consider hiring a professional editor, designer, or project manager to help you.

And that’s it! If you’d like to tackle it yourself, there are plenty of resources to help you. The trick is to keep breaking each step down until it’s manageable. Asio has online courses, free workshops, and worksheets that help you do just that. Sign up now for my emails (and get my free worksheet) and follow us on Instagram to receive notification of new events and resources, and a free worksheet to help you start.

Happy writing!
Founder & Author Coach